And it's been forever since I've posted. Yet again. Sigh.
When last I wrote, I was desperately clinging to the edifice of a not-as-decadent-as-it-felt-at-the-time past, which was causing some of the upset in my mental stability. Since then I have moved on and opened my eyes - dear god did I ever open my eyes.
To briefly recap:
My ex-loser (nothing personal, Consumptive, but you turned out to be a loser) broke up with me at the beginning of March but then took me back, and later tried to claim that it'd been over since then anyway. He finally stopped drawing it out at the end of Spring Break after not speaking to me for a week - ended it by changing his relationship status on Facebook, which whenever I say it sounds really stupid and immature that it should matter. But whatever.
The following weekend one of my longtime close friends was acting.. different. He usually was quiet, but not *that* quiet, and for serious I am NOT "too cute" to attack. I was a KENDER. >.< We were playing Dungeons and Dragons and I was a kender and one of our party members had a thing against kender.. but D was a pixie and he kept antagonizing DB who hated kender.. so DB was targeting D more than me, and then M decided that it was because I was "too cute," which I protested, and D and I were keeping a running text commentary, and he said that M was right, and I said ?? and he said I *was* too cute and I said ?????.
Then both of my parents said Um, D totally likes you - to which I said No way, 'cos D and I were together for a while a long time ago, and I was a complete b***h to him for a really long time, and it's only been in about the last year that I stopped being a b***h and we became friends again.. but so I asked K if she'd noticed anything, and then on Tuesday D told me that yes, he DID like me again, and I was upset because I did NOT want to lose my best guy friend AGAIN, and he understood and didn't ask for an answer (since technically he didn't ASK anything), and that afternoon my sister and I came home and our house had been broken into, and D was the first person to respond (after my grandparents and my dad and the cops) and he came over on his break from work and just held me.. but I was still being an idiot and I was still hung up on the Consumptive, who didn't respond to my hysterical text for about three hours. So that was Tuesday. By Sunday I'd stopped texting the Consumptive, and D and I were talking almost constantly, and then he asked me out on Monday. The 18th. Which is today. But two months ago. <3
I have not cried because of him; before the FIRST month with the Consumptive was up, I'd probably cried a half-dozen times on his account.. D has been nothing but gentle, sweet, solicitious, kind, warm, understanding.. I swear this boy - man - knows me better than I know myself. This relationship is the most stable relationship I've ever had with anyone EVER, friend or boyfriend or anything, and it's so nice to have him back in my life.
I graduated high school just over a week ago; I still am in a bit of shock. I didn't break down crying until my dad hugged me, and then - oop. There I go again. Urgh. I got hired yesterday - a corporation called NorPac, which is a division of Vector Marketing? which is in turn a child company of Cutco.. which manufactures cutlery. Like kitchen knives. But kitchen knives like WHOA. The interviewer demonstrated with a pair of their kitchen shears and cut. a. penny. OMG. I swear it's true; the penny got passed around. It was INSANE.
I've spent the last four days sitting for my aunt and uncle.. their two elder boys needed a chauffeur for the week and OH HEY I've had my license for more than two years now.. so yay. The boys' parents come back.. hopefully in about half an hour. I want to sleep at home tonight.
I start training for the job with NorPac this coming Thursday.
I still can't figure out how to load Office or any sort of decent word processor on my laptop (shiny new toy I got for graduation yay <3 ). Which is insanely frustrating.
So it's down to about ten minutes till they're s'posed to get home.. I'mma post and log off for now. *really insanely tired* I'm determined to sleep at my house in my own bed tonight.. I *will* make this happen. D:<
'Till next time, then, I suppose! :)
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